Monday, July 21, 2008

The Truth Shall Prevail

Have we not heard the statement "The Truth Shall Prevail"?

This is a statement always said when a person in a situation where there is a conflict of belief of truthfulness of a claim. It is an inner struggle inside oneself between true and false. At times the claim seemed to be true but at another times it seemed to be false. The conflict arises out of no factual evidences or doubtful evidences to support the claim. It just look logical that the claim is true or the claim is false.

Those who believed that the claim is true shall never say the statement because it is no longer applicable. Actually to them the truth has already prevailed. Similarly to those who are otherwise. Even if they still say the statement, it is just to comfort themselves and it indicated there are still some elements of doubts.

The problem is the truth can be hidden. It can be manipulated into such that the claim may be seen as true or false. Evidences supporting the claim can be fabricated in order to make the claim to be accepted or to be rejected. Depending on how complicated is the manipulation, the truth shall take times to reveal. Sometimes it is revealed at times the claim is no longer relevant and the damage caused by the claim is already beyond repair.

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